Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Finally the introduction...

"When preparing to Travel, lay out all of your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money."
     - Susan Heller

This blog started off as a way to document my vacation and let my loved ones know I was alive and well. Then it morphed into something else. A guide for young women to safely jet set and actually have an awesome experience, a guide on smart travelling, and a guide on romantic but not cheesy vacationing. Why? Because I couldn't find anything of the sorts at the bookstores or online. The best  I could find on romantic vacationing tips was a reference to Sex and the City's Miranda qualms about pooping and sharing a bathroom. Really?!

So this is it! My travelogue! They say experiences is the best teacher and I've done a lot of learning. Enjoy!

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