Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Finally the introduction...

"When preparing to Travel, lay out all of your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money."
     - Susan Heller

This blog started off as a way to document my vacation and let my loved ones know I was alive and well. Then it morphed into something else. A guide for young women to safely jet set and actually have an awesome experience, a guide on smart travelling, and a guide on romantic but not cheesy vacationing. Why? Because I couldn't find anything of the sorts at the bookstores or online. The best  I could find on romantic vacationing tips was a reference to Sex and the City's Miranda qualms about pooping and sharing a bathroom. Really?!

So this is it! My travelogue! They say experiences is the best teacher and I've done a lot of learning. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Grand Palace, The Buddha relic, and the Emerald Buddha

The morning was kinds early but it was so worth it. By afternoon thousands of Chinese visitors flood the palace!

Now Boarding!

I've traveled for work and for play. Right now for play! Check out some pics of my trip to Bangkok so far: